Massey University Press

Massey University Press wanted a website that would set them apart from the traditional style of a university press. 


We designed a distinctive, energetic and vibrant identity. We then collaborated alongside IT Effect to develop a website that represents the modern and intelligent look of Massey University Press, whilst sharing the sense of professionalism that completes their brand identity. The design of the website reflects the brand language of the Press itself, with plenty of the Press’s hallmark orange and distinctive typefaces.



Massey University Press embraces the notion of baskets of knowledge to underline the significance of education and higher learning, and this is reflected in their brand identity. The concept takes the idea of blocks of colour in the form of an ‘M’, as a metaphor for books on a shelf. The three lines in the middle block represent the three baskets of knowledge, and the block to the right represents the overall pillar of knowledge.
